Marvin Deus

[email protected]

Body Centered Therapy

BODY CENTERED THERAPY ... I solve a central problem found in most of us.
I help you look at that SPLIT between mind/body - head/heart
The GAP between the messages from the mind telling you what you want, 
and your body telling you that you can't ask for THAT!! 

Your MIND creates what you do want, but then, you may have emotions and feelings in your body holding you back. IF those feelings, messages, inner signals get ignored or denied ... that causes a GAP or a central problem.

There are 3 main reasons why you mentally tune out your body signals.  

... a NEED for
Ignoring or denying your FEELINGS do not make them go away. 
As a matter of fact, the opposite is true ... what you resist, persists.

Over the years there has been a step back and away from how you hold onto your feelings. 
Traditional psycho-therapy has moved to a BEHAVIOR oriented model - looking at your HABITS.

THAT is where I step IN.
I help you to get into relationship with your feelings and allow them to move through your body.
I use many different modalities that I have studied + practiced for over 30 years.
These modalities are a powerful and they direct me to the central problem. By putting you back into alignment, eliminating the SPLIT or the GAP between mind/body, there is no room for the pain.

A body pain disappears when my clients stop fighting the pain and they listen to the message.
Maybe that pain is a level of rage that has been pounding in your head, or deep grief that has caused  heart ache.

One modality that I like is the Emotional Code where I am able to remove trapped emotions from your electromagnetic field.  I address the point where you are holding that pain, physically release that point, and the pain disappears.

I have a client who had a "family of origin" inherited pain that caused her to be anxious and to feel FEAR.  We dissolved that fear and she transformed into a new person who was willing to 'show up, stand up and speak up."

I help my clients to PAY ATTENTION to their INTENTION.My intention is to give a voice to the feelings that are trapped inside of your body ... the ones that are creating pain ... because ... IF they have been ignored and/or denied, they could be acting out ... like a naughty child.

OFTEN, you INNER SELF has been treated like an un-welcomed un-invited PARTY!
Is it possible that your INNER SELF has been put on the back burner for so long that you are no longer in a FRIENDLY relationship with that part of You?

When people ask me what I do?
I help my clients close the GAP between their mind/body, and then, their inner SELF begins to recognize and reward all parts of themselves: Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviors

Many of my clients have STOPPED going to Chiropractors because my approach is so gentle.
Many of my clients have STOPPED going to Talk Therapists because while the TALK does help them to understand things mentally + emotionally, their body does not know how to process the energy held with that LIFE LONG DRAMA.  Talking about it is only reinforcing the HOLD your body has on the emotion!  I had once client who had gone to therapy for 27 years but became very sad every year when a particular date triggered her depression.  Her children brought her to me because they did not want her to do this to herself another year.  I one 1-hour session we cleared the trauma attached to the drama.  She said to me: I have not felt this good in 27 years, I feel free.

I help you release the PAIN and come back into RELATIONSHIP with an INNER PART of yourself that you may not had a conversation with in a very long time.

When you deeply experience yourself ... THAT ... grounds You!
Getting back into a good relationship with those parts that you have been ignoring or denying ...
those parts that have created a 'nagging pain' in your body
... allows You to transform that pain into a creative space that allows for positive manifestation
 ... or getting what you really want in life.

So what do I do?
I close the GAP between your THINKING--FEELING--DOING and
I help you to notice your consequences, your outcomes ... to see if what you are getting is what you really want.

IF it is NOT what you really want: (1) you need to ask yourself WHAT DO I WANT (2) And if you need clarity on what you really do want - we can also work on that. 

I specialize in all sorts of PAIN management on people (and pets).
Once the PAIN is gone, the MAGIC begins and your LIFE changes.

IF you are ready to get RID of a PAIN that has been bothering you for way too long, please give me a CALL @ 801 860 9688

I'm here to help You
Office, Zoom, Phone  & Remote Sessions

Here's how I can help you:

Marvin Deus


On Your Show 

Intuitive Center

Let's Work:
Marvin Deus
[email protected]


PHONE Appointments

REMOTE Sessions


Interview ME 
on your PODCAST

Come to The Intuitive Center
1300 EAST  6715 South
Cottonwood Hts, Ut 84121

I work with PEOPLE & your PETS in my office, in your home or remotely!

HOW to WORK with ME?
(1) Call to make an appointment
(2) Pay in advance via PayPal, Venmo
(3) Decide how you want to work together 

In person at my office @ The Intuitive Center?  ZOOM room? Remote Session??
(4) I deliver

(5) You leave feeling GREAT!